Yo, yo, assassination, vaccination, poor education
infatuation with Satan with global nataion taxation
Fiberoptic microscopic biological germ
Mad Cow burger on the market, Captain of your starship
I never departed once I started
to explore these regions that was uncharted
Leave your heart broken, yo I stand tall
like buildings on Van Dyke's, all mics
Beats strike like a noisy four train late night
Chase got New York for the Life, we out of state
Can't smoke a bone in the staircase with out gettin chased
Penny candy poisonous rappers, best to chill or get your head gashed
Lemonhead, sour patch kids, best to grab
a Life Savor, I'll Jawbreak ya, Boston Bake ya
Then plant my sunflower seed on every square acre
The beauty of my nature shown through Shaquaisha I Mecca
When I made myself Equality, known to my reflector
Stay in your playpen boy, and babble for your formula and cried
You pacified, this lullaby from the black butterfly
"47 seconds of MC divinity. You know it's pure Hip Hop when you can move a crowd with nothing but hot lyrics and a beat. Shame how the art is being hijacked by cats these days."
Bob Marley[Do 16:56] sagt zu weBBoss!: axo nadann... bist du in irgendeiner szene ?? weBBoss[Do 16:56] sagt zu Bob Marley: ja in der drogenszene, und du?
aL Likes:
kluge mädchen, die wissen was sie wollen
echte freunde
WENN IHR SCHONMAL HIER SEIT DANN TRAGT EUCH DOCH BITTE IN MEIN GÄSTEBUCH EIN. ........ ok dann tu ich das mal *Gg* naja baibai mfg des angel
slimygirl schrieb am 03.11.2004 um 17:22 Uhr hallo webboss....ist ja nett, dass du mir nen eintrag machst....freut mich) kool savas ist schon ewig geil...ich mag ihn auch, er hat halt seine art...vielleicht können wir ja mal chatten....lieb grüße..deine Slimygirl
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