Schulhofchat, teuflisch gut!


Puma D Ace - Puma D Ace hat :-P am h�ufigsten im Chat verwendet - Stammtischplatz: 65727
Registriert seit 7.3.2009
(Notizen zu Puma D Ace) (direkt zum Gästebuch)
Offline seit 04.09.2009 - 14:52
Infos über mich:

Heute Ist Der Tag ...Des Jüngsten Gerichtes ...

Everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that I get
but I haven't missed you yet
every roommake kept awake
by every silent scream we make
all the feelings that I get
but I still don't miss you yet
only when I stop to think about it...

I hate everything about you
why do I love you
I hate everything about you
why do I love you

Everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that I get
but I haven't missed you yet
only when I stop to think about it...

I hate everything about you
why do I love you
I hate everything about you
why do I love you

only when I stop to think about you I know
only when you stop to think about me do you know

I hate everything about you
why do I love you
you hate everything about me
why do you love me
I hate
you hate
I hate
you love me
I hate everything about you
why do I love you


I walk alone
Think of home
Memories of long ago
No one knows I lost
My soul long ago

Lied too much
She said that she's had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

Standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home

I need to run far away
Can't go back to that place
Like she told me
I'm just a big disgrace

Lied too much
She said that she's had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

Standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home
So now I'm standing here alone
I'm learning how to live life on my own

Lied too much
I think that I've had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

I'm standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home
So now I'm standing here alone
I'm learning how to live life on my own
Forget about the past I'll never know
Forget about the one I left at home

Meine Hobbies:
Schwimmen und alles was mit sport zu tuhen hatt und Fitness Club
ICQ: n/a
Geschlecht: männlich
Wohnort: n/a in Niedersachsen
durchschnittliche Bewertung dieses Profils: 1
am häufigsten benutzter Smiley: (313 mal)
Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 886

Um einen eigenen Eintrag zu machen, mußt Du Dich in den Chat einloggen.
Anzahl aller Einträge: 16Im Gästebuch blättern: 1

Qrazzi Girly schrieb am 07.01.2010 um 21:48 Uhr

SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 19.05.2009 um 18:43 Uhr
HuHu xD

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SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 11.05.2009 um 15:46 Uhr
-iiCH HAB DiiCH LiiEP x33

SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 10.05.2009 um 13:57 Uhr
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iida x33

Lena123 schrieb am 09.05.2009 um 13:23 Uhr
hi okay die bilder habe ich von googele aber wir können chatten

schoko schnutte schrieb am 09.05.2009 um 13:00 Uhr
du biss voll cool und das mit dem negger stimmt das is sein vater merkt man voll die beiden haben kein unterschied

SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 08.05.2009 um 23:32 Uhr

hmm ka :)

per msn also duh schickst mia ne mail ?!

SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 08.05.2009 um 17:22 Uhr

was isn jezz mitm Piic ?!

krieq ich das nich ?! :(

SABRiiNA...xD schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 21:43 Uhr

na duh wie qetz ?!

naiia ich wollt qanz liebe qrüße da lassen

mit dia zu chatten macht voll spaß xD

hab dich qanz doll lieP

*kussii* nwly

daH sabrin

süßer stern schrieb am 06.05.2009 um 16:20 Uhr
ich lass dir auch mal liebe grüße da !!
lg süßer stern

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