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Marco G. - Marco G. hat ;-) am h�ufigsten im Chat verwendet - Stammtischplatz: 65727
Registriert seit 10.8.2010
(Notizen zu Marco G.) (direkt zum Gästebuch)
Offline seit 29.08.2012 - 22:47
Infos über mich:
Marco G. * nimmt teil und sitzt auf dem 1995. Platz des Stammtisches * <--1995, da bin ich geboren.
With Love And A Bullet

So empty, so cold

I'm the clay that you mould
So eager to please
I'm down, down on my knees

No love without tears

It hurts like nothing else
No love without fears
It hurts to believe in us

I don't regret the things I've done

I don't feel sorry for causing you pain
I don't feel you love no more
Can I break these chains
Don't you feel the aching pain
From a bleeding heart once again
Don't you feel the shame,
I'm just a fool for loving you

No passion, no spark

No candles burning in the dark
So empty, damn you're cold
Break me down and swallow me soul

No heat, no flame

It hurts to play this game
No redemption no hope
It hurts to believe in us

So here we are in this misery

And once again you're killing me
So take my hand
And feel the sorrow
Let us drown in the tears
Of a broken tomorrow

Skillet - Comatose
I hate feeling like this
I'm so tired of trying to fight this
I'm asleep and all I dream of
Is waking to You
Tell me that You will listen
You're touch is what i'm missing
And the more I hide I realize I'm slowly losing You
I'll never wake up without an overdose of You
I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe
'Les I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way You make me feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
I hate living without You
Dead wrong to ever doubt You
But my demons lay in waiting
Tempting me away
Oh how I adore You
Oh how I thirst for You
Oh how I need You
I'll never wake up without an overdose of You
I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe
'Les I feel You next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
Breathing life
Waking up
My eyes open up
I'll never wake up without an overdose of You
I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe
'Les I feel You next to me
You take the pain I feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way You make me feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
Oh how I adore You
Waking up to You never felt so real
Oh how I thirst for You
Waking up to You never felt so real
Oh how I adore You
The way You make me feel
Waking up to You never felt so real
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Geschlecht: männlich
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durchschnittliche Bewertung dieses Profils: 0,9
am häufigsten benutzter Smiley: (54 mal)
Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 24

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lorena1410 schrieb am 01.01.2011 um 19:05 Uhr
Hey Schatzi,
ich liebe dich ganz ganz doll!!!!!!!!!!
Freu mich voll auf dich.
Nur noch 4 Tage.....

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