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DeadAngel - Stammtischplatz: 65727 Registriert seit 11.11.2004 (Notizen zu DeadAngel) (direkt zum Gästebuch) |
Offline seit 27.03.2009 - 22:39 |
Someone is your friend, if he knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you, if you forgotten it... |
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Floh nagi Roy 002 Sindbad 1990 Yvon |
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Yvon schrieb am 12.07.2005 um 16:13 Uhr Bounce Back Yeah…It blew my mind in to a million piecesPushed You asideAnd still You got my backThis is the part where I got weakFell in too deepEvery day and night gotCaught up in the hypeStarted getting rough but'Cause you showed me love I'm gonna..Chorus:]Bounce, bounce backShake it off, get right on trackI'm moving onGotta put it in the pastBounce, bounce backSnap your fingers and just like thatI let it goGotta let it fade to blackLike a riverCry all my tearsI have to swim through itDry it off, I'm outta hereBounce, bounce backShake it off, I'm right on trackI'll be moving onBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce back [x2](Another day, still playas out to run gameTrying to make me flowTo places I don't rollHappening againLike déjà vuBut it's brand newTesting my faithI won't make the same mistakesSo Playa' drop the dramaI Flipped the script and Now I'm gonna(Chorus]Yo, You've been down since the day I've found YouThere ain't no way that I can do without YouIt's off the chain the way I feel about YouI know I feel astray believe me when I sayThis time, this timeI'm gonna be strongThis time, I'm gonna hold onAll this time, I'm gonna, when you forgive a wrongI'm leaving it aloneGonna be bounce, bounce, bounce, bouncing onBounce, bounce, bounce, bounce back [x4Chorus] (There's Gotta Be) More to life Yeah yeah...oh...oh....I've got it all, but I feel so deprived.I go up, I come down, and I'm emptier inside.Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missingand why can't I let it go?Chorus:There's gotta be more to lifethan chasing down every temporary highto satisfy me.Cuz the more that I'mtrippin' out thinking there must be more to life.Well it's life, but I'm sure.There's gotta be more...than wanting more.I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowlyHere in this moment, I'm halfway out the door.On to the next thing, I'm searchingfor something that's missing Chorus:There's gotta be more to lifethan chasing down every temporary highto satisfy me.Cuz the more that I'mtrippin' out thinking there must be more to life.Well it's life, but I'm sureThere's gotta be more...I'm wanting more.I'm always waiting on something other than this.Why am I feelin' like there's something I missed? Chorus:There's gotta be more to lifethan chasing down every temporary highto satisfy me.Cuz the more that I'mtrippin' out thinking there must be more to life.Well it's life, but I'm sure.There's gotta be more...than wanting more.Chorus:There's gotta be more to lifethan chasing down every temporary highto satisfy me.Cuz the more that I'mtrippin' out thinking there must be more to life.Well it's life, but I'm sure(There's gotta be more) More...ooh yeah..(More) More to(To) More to(Life) More to life...(yeah)(There' s got be more to life) More toMore to life...(More) More to(To) More to(Life...yeah) There's gotta be more...(There's gotta be more to life)Oooh...More to life... I Promise Will I always be there for you?When you need someone, Will I be that one you need?Will I do all my best to, to protect you?When the tears get near your eyesWill I be the one that's by your side?Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I will Will I take tender care of you?Take your darkest night and make it bright for youWill I be there to make you strong and to lean on?When this world has turned so coldWill I be the one that's there to hold? Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I will Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I will YeahAnd I love you more every dayAnd nothing will take that love awayWhen you need someoneI promise I'll be there for you (there for you)I promise Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I will And I promise (and I promise)I promise (oh I promise you)I will be there when you call me (when you call me)I promise (I promise)I promise I will |
Yvon schrieb am 09.07.2005 um 16:22 Uhr _________.Ss..___,.......s' _______.$$$ $$$$$$³Ó³³$$s.s³' _______³$$$$³³³$$$$$$s$$$s. ________V¯V¯V¯¯v'³ $$ $$$$$s.s' ___________________`³$$$$$$. _____________________³$$$s$$. ___________ _, A.AssAsss$$$s$$$$³, ___________.$$$$$³ & sup3;³³³³³$$$$$$ ______ _ ___,s³³³³'____.###³ $ $$.³$$$³³ ; , ______³$.________.####$$$$³ _____$$ $ $______.####$$$$$. _,³³$s.$$ss$s___### # #$$$$³³³, ___$$$,$,$³³_ _ #####$$$$³. ___`³$$,$,___#####$$$$$$$s _____$$$,___######$$$$$'¯`___________ _. sS'___s$'___s' ____..$$$.__###### $ $$$$$.__s$'__sS'__..sss$$$$$$$$$$$$$ss. _ s' ___$$$$$$s_#######$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s.' ___.s$'³$$$$s# # ####$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³#########$$$s’ __'¯____³$$$$³#####$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$³###$$$$$$s##########$$s _________&sup 3; ;$$$$#######s$$$$³##########$$$$$$$$$””””&am p;mac r;¯¯³###$s __________$³³ ; ³'#####³$$$$³###########s$$$$ $ $$$$s______³$##$ __________’______`³#$ $ $$$$########³###³$$$$$$$$$$s_____.s$$## __________________s$$$$$$.#######$$$$$³__` &s up3;$$$$$$$$$.__.s'$$$#³ _____________ _ ____$$$$$$$s””””'____s$$$$$______`³&sup 3; ;³$$$$$$$³$$$#³ _________________ _ $$$$³¯¯$________s$$$$ $ ³s$$$s$$³' ________________.s$$$& amp;# 039;___’_______..s$$$³³³³,_.s s $$$$$$$$$$$$s... _______________s$$$$$s.__ |
Sindbad 1990 schrieb am 24.12.2004 um 10:26 Uhr lol okok du hast mich ![]() ![]() |
Sindbad 1990 schrieb am 18.12.2004 um 14:45 Uhr hey du melde dich doch mall wieder bei mir ![]() ![]() |
Sindbad 1990 schrieb am 10.12.2004 um 14:11 Uhr ( ""() (")o(") versteckt ("),,, (") ( ' ""() ((")' ) geschaut ( / "(,,) ..( ' ""() juhu ("( 'o', )") ge ("),,, (") -funden (' ""() ((")' ) Fang ( /."(,,) mein küsschen ...(' ""() ("( 'o',) (")(")(,,) Hast es ()"""() ((")´ ) ( /."(,,) (@)(@) *bussalwirf* |
Sindbad 1990 schrieb am 24.11.2004 um 18:17 Uhr LSD weißer schnee ja wir kiffer sind ok |
Sindbad 1990 schrieb am 12.11.2004 um 14:42 Uhr halli hallo |
DeadAngel schrieb am 11.11.2004 um 13:00 Uhr __________________________s$______________s _________________________.s$$_____________s$ ________________________s$$$’____________s$$ ______________________.s$$$³´_______ ,___s$$³ _____________________s$$$$³______.s$’___$$ ³ ________________,____$$$$$.______s$³____&a mp;a mp;s up3;$ ________________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³_____&a mp;a mp;s up3;, _______________s$___‘³$$$$$$s___$$$ _______________$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s _______________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$ ____s´ _______________`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$___s&a mp;a mp;s up3; ________________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$&a mp;a mp;s up3;__s$’ _________________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$’__s$$ _____________`s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s$$&a mp;a mp;s up3;__s ______________$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³__ s$ ______________s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_s$$ _____________s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____________s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$$$& acut e; ___________$$s§§§§§&am p;am p;se ct;§§§s$$$$$$s§§§&a mp;a mp;se ct;§§§§s$, ___________³§§§§§ §§§§§§§§s $ s§§§§§§§§ & sect;§§§s ___________§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§& amp; amp;s ect;§§§§§§§&am p;am p;sec t;§§§§§§§ ___________³§§§§§ §§§§§§§§& amp; amp;s ect;§§§§§§§&am p;am p;sec t;§§§§§§§ ____________³§§§§§ ; ; ;§§§§§§§§ & sect;§§§§§§§&a mp;a mp;se ct;§§§§§³ _____________³§§§§& ; ;sec t;§§§§§§§§ ; ; §§§§§§§§& amp; amp;s ect;§§§³ ______________³§§§§&am p;am p;se ct;§§§§§§§& ;sec t; ;§§§§§§§§ & sect;§³ ________________³§§§§& amp; amp; sect;§§§§§§§&a mp;a mp;se ct;§§§§§§³ __________________³§§§§ ; ; ;§§§§§§§§ & sect;§§³ ____________________³§§§&am p;am p;se ct;§§§§§§§& ;sup 3; ; _______________________³§§§ §§³ _________________________³§* |