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Interview Log 1802-2 
Date: 10/04/             
 Time: 03:10:00 
Subject: SCP-1802 
Interviewer: Dr.                        
SCP-1802 spent the duration of this interview sitting politely on the interview table. Its voice is a little muffled, because it seems to be coming from inside the can, but at least it enunciates well. —
Dr.               Interviewer: SCP-1802, what is your earliest memory? 
SCP-1802: I woke up and I saw people. Some of the people were making signs. Some of the people were pouring and working. Most of the people were looking at me. A man said to me that it is working. He may have said it to the rest of the people. 
Interviewer: What happened after that? 
SCP-1802: I was wearing my coat and had my arms. Before the man said my purpose, I was not anything that I could remember. But then the man said what I am for. 
Interviewer: What is your purpose, SCP-1802? 
SCP-1802: I look around. I keep anything I do not understand and study it to learn. By this task I become cool. 
Interviewer: It seems like you take anything you find. 
SCP-1802: I do not understand much. The man told me that. 
Interviewer: What happened to you next? 
SCP-1802: The man picked me up and walked until we were outside. He put me down and said to go west and begin my task. He said to keep going west until I saw a gate with cameras on it. 
Interviewer: Can you remember what street you were on or what building you came out of? 
SCP-1802: I saw signs that said [REDACTED]. 
I think the numbers on the building said                
Interviewer: [to the supervising researcher] That's all we need. [to SCP-1802] Thank you for your cooperation. 
SCP-1802: I did not mention a detail. The man said that this detail was very important to remember. The man named me
Interviewer: What name did he give you? 

SCP-1802: He called me "Skip". 

todo es mentira en este mundo
todo es mentira la verdad
todo es mentira yo me digo
todo es mentira ¿por que sera?

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DaneDevil schrieb am 18.06.2014 um 16:32 Uhr

DaneDevil schrieb am 07.06.2014 um 13:13 Uhr
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DaneDevil schrieb am 04.06.2014 um 18:35 Uhr
Aber das Barney Stinson Crazy/Bitch-Verhältnis scheint zu passen

DaneDevil schrieb am 03.06.2014 um 23:09 Uhr
was hast du getan...die is ja... was hast du getan

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