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Userpage Why be normal, when you can be yourself

Rennmaus - Stammtischplatz: 65727
Registriert seit 9.6.2006
(Notizen zu Rennmaus) (direkt zum Gästebuch)
Offline seit 22.06.2008 - 12:00
Why be normal, when you can be yourself
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Einfach nur schlimm -.-
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Geschlecht: weiblich
Geburtsdatum: 15.02.1992
Alter: 33
Wohnort: n/a
durchschnittliche Bewertung dieses Profils: 1
Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 223

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Dave G schrieb am 22.10.2006 um 04:50 Uhr
Ghost Love Score

We used to swim
The same moonlight waters
Ocean's away
From the wakeful day

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to
Cut me I'll bleed forever

Scent of the sea
Before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee
Into the blue memory

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to
Cut me I'll bleed forever

Into the blue memory

A Siren from the deep
Came to me, sang my name, my longing
Still I write my songs
About that dream of mine

Worth everything I may ever be

The child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves, singing on the shoulders
of an angel without care for love and loss

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home
Every way, every day,
Just another loop in the
hangman's noose

Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home
Every way, every day
I keep on watching us sleep

Relive the old sin of Adam end Eve
Of you and me, forgive the adoring beast

Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May
I'll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you the one to cut me
So I'll bleed forever

My fall will be for you...

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