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EmotionNeverDie - EmotionNeverDie hat B-)) am h�ufigsten im Chat verwendet - Stammtischplatz: 65727
Registriert seit 16.12.2005
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Offline seit 13.02.2009 - 14:22
Die Geburt ist der erste qualvolle Tag des langsamen Todes...
Infos über mich:
The pain is here to tell me that I'm still alive

Heaven Shall Burn - Dying In Silence

How many times can they bend your will until you break and die inside?
Is there still a heartfelt discomfort in you?
Deep down inside to live these lies
Addicted to goodwill

On bleeding knees you're waiting for the answers
(with gazing eyes you're hoping for a sign)
Annihilation of your spirits
Dreams die in silence and piece by piece you go with them
Forsaken, unseen. Forsaken and unseen!

Always accepting the inevitable
Won't make you find your peace
There is no substitute for your lost dignity
No one shall ever poison the worlds in you,
The treasures in your heart
At the end of life there's only black and white
On bleeding knees you're waiting for the answers
(with gazing eyes you're hoping for a sign)
Annihilation of your spirits
Dreams die in silence and piece by piece you go with them
Forsaken, unseen. Forsaken and unseen!

Hatebreed - Defeatist

Trapped within your own apathy
Spiraling into a cycle of loss
Beaten mind with a bruised reflection
It's addiction to failure of substances
That ties you to your selfish punishment
In you eyes it's cursed
No fix, no cure, tortured with imperfection
Your hatred is aimless
This is my hatred, this is my vow
Never to be broken
Cause you HATE yourself
And you HATE this world
And you HATE the fact
That you HATE every momentDefeatist, 
you and I will never be the same!
I've taken this vow of hatred, TAKE THE VOW
A promise to myself to never be my own defeatist
This is my hatred, this is my vow
Never to be broken
Cause you HATE yourself
And you HATE this world
And you HATE the fact
That you HATE every momentDefeatist, 
you and I will never be the same!I take this vow
I take this vow of hatred
I take this vow, never to be broken


From Autumn to Ashes - Autums Monologue

Oh why can't I be what you need?
A new improved version of me.
But I'm nothing so good
no, I'm nothing...
just bones, a lonely ghost burning down songs
of violence, of love, and of sorrow.
I beg for just one more tomorrow!
Where you'd hold me down, fold me in
deep deep deep in the heart of your sins.

I'd break in two over you
I'd break in two
and each piece of me dies
and only you can give the breath of life!
But you don't see me. You dont.

Here I'm pinned between darkness and light,
bleached and blinded by these nights.
Where I'm tossing and tortured till dawn
by you, visions of you, then you're gone.
The shock bleeds the red from my face,
when i hear someone's taken my place.
How could love be so thoughtless, so cruel?
When all, all that i did was for you...

I'd break in two over you
I'd break in two
and each piece of me dies
and only you can give the breath of life!
But you dont see me. You don't.

I'd break in two over you
I'd break in two
and each piece of me dies
and only you can give the breath of life!
But you don't see me. You don't.

I'd break in two over you,
I'd break in two over you! Over you
I'd break in two,
I would break in two for you.
Now you see me, now you don't.
Now you need me, now you don't.

Hatebreed - Supremacy Of  Self

Am I the only one standing in my way?
Am I my own merciless enemy?
Can I stare back looking deep into death's gaze
Can I turn and face myself and the knowledge of would shouldn't be?

To look into my heart was to look into hell
Controlled by the voice of fear I was completely overwhelmed
So concerned with the things I could never change
Now I must assure to never fulfill that prophecy

I must attain
Supremacy, of mind
Supremacy, of body
Supremacy, of spirit
Supremacy, of self

The war you want is the war I'm willing to give
Farewell to all the disbelief suspend in the depths

To look into my heart was to look into hell
Controlled by the voice of fear I was completely overwhelmed
So concerned with the things I could never change
Now I must assure to never fulfill that prophecy

I must attain
Supremacy, of mind
Supremacy, of body
Supremacy, of spirit
Supremacy, of self

Heaven Shall Burn -

Are you still the one I used to know?
Where is the fire in your eyes?
Do you remember all the things we used to share?
Your strong words gave hope to me so many times
But now there's only silence when we meet

These are the darkest of your days, where are your thousand friends?
And who will guide you through the nights as all the lights went out?

In the darkness of your room, the only time that you feel free
The solidarity you feel is only solitude you share
This is where they want to be
Washing all your thoughts and passion
The solidarity you feel is only solitude you share
Your strong words gave hope to me so many times
But now there's only silence when we meet

These are the darkest of your days, where are your thousand friends?
And who will guide you through the nights as all the lights went out?

Stone Sour - Omega

What a skeletal wreck of a man this is
Translucent flesh and feeble bones
The kind of temple where the whores and villians try to tempt the holistic tones
Running rampant with free thought to free form the free and clear
And the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a laundromat to sift and focus on the bigger, better, NOW
We all have a little sin that needs venting, virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems ripped from the branches of office do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose or purposely serve?
Wind down inside your adivistic allure, the value of a summer spent and a winter earned
For the rest of us there is always sunday
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breath so we can wade naked into the bloody pool and place our hand on the big black book
To watch the knives zigzag between our aching fingers
A vacation is a countdown
T minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste
I could go on and on but let's move on shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you and they all watch the things we do and like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs haven't felt like this in years the great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse
Let me go and plunge me into the dead spot again
That's where you go when theres no one else around it's just you and there was never anyone to begin with now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with their thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger
Government is another way to say better, than, you!
It's like ice but no pick a murder charge that won't stick its like a whole other world where you can smell the food
But you can't touch the silverware
*laughs* What luck!
Facism you can vote for
*snorts* Isn't that sweet
And were all gonna die someday 'cause that's the american way and I've drunk too much and said too little when you're gaffer taped in the middle say a prayer save face get yourself together and (*sung in the background* SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING!) SHUT UP! (*background* FUCK YOU!) FUCK YOU!
I'm sorry I could go on and on but its time to move on so
Remember, your a wreck an accident
Forget the freak your just nature
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean
Shit, snort and blaspheme let the heads cool and the engine run because in the end everything we do, is just everything we've done. 

Hatebreed - A Call For Blood

Your reign of terror is coming to an end
And all your victims' pain will be avenged
Taker of innocence, I want your demise
Tear you apart for the unspeakable things you tried to hide

I fucking hate you
Every bone in my body will ache
`Till I destroy everything you love
And fill your life with their pain

Ten long fucking years
I waited to erase all the memories
And you can't fucking stop me
My vengeance is finally born
Ten long fucking years
Your reign of terror is coming to an end
And I have no mercy for your soul
Your blood is on my hands

A call for blood
For what you've done
No tolerance (for what you've done)
A call for blood
For what you've done
No tolerance (for what you've done)

All their anguish, all their pain
All their nightmare, all their misery
It's all coming back to haunt you
Your time is up and you've no where to hide

(I fucking hate you...)

(Ten long fucking years...)

(A call for blood...)
No fucking tolerance.

Let the blood spill
Vengeance is born [x2]

A call for blood.

From Autumn to Ashes - The Fiction we Live

You might be just what I need
No I would not change a thing
Been dreaming of this so long
But we only exist in this song
The thing is, I'm not worth the sorrow
And if you come and meet me tomorrow
I will hold you down, fold you in
Deep, deep, deep in the fiction we live
I break in two over you
I break in two
And if a piece of you dies
Autumn, I will bring you back to life
Of course I see you
I do.

Hatebreed - Judgment Strikes (Unbreakable)

Worthless, is what you made your life
Failure, is what you set yourself up for
You don't have the power
To realise your dreams
Now you want to take from me
Jealousy seethes through your callous words
So content you're visionless
Void of emotion
I pray for someone to release me from your grasp

It's evident, your guilt
It's evident, that this judgement strikes down on you

Unbreakable - and you're guilty
Unbreakable - I'm not going down without a fight

You try to break my world
You breached our trust to destroy me with lies
Now you've fallen you're nothing again
Live my hatred, its you I despise
Live my hate
Meine Hobbies:
das übliche... völlerei, wollust, habgier, zorn, neid, trägheit und hochmut
ICQ: n/a
Geschlecht: männlich
Wohnort: Volksrepublik Deutschland
durchschnittliche Bewertung dieses Profils: 1
am häufigsten benutzter Smiley: (8 mal)
Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 55

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Anzahl aller Einträge: 16Im Gästebuch blättern: 1

angel frOm hell schrieb am 18.02.2009 um 12:22 Uhr
ohgott die alten Einträge. xD

dir auch n hallo :P

angel frOm hell schrieb am 19.05.2007 um 12:08 Uhr
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah sinnvoll wie eh un je ._.

deine suffi :xxxxxx

angel frOm hell schrieb am 18.02.2007 um 15:32 Uhr
ish dia auch

anGeL frOm heLL schrieb am 04.01.2007 um 21:31 Uhr

Giny schrieb am 01.01.2007 um 00:43 Uhr
frohes neues jahr

anGeL frOm heLL schrieb am 24.12.2006 um 10:58 Uhr
fröhliChe weihnaCht überall, tönet durCh die füfte – frOher sChall xD
frOhe weihnaChtn wünsCh iCh dir (: und nen sChönes neues jahr, falls wir uns nemmer sehn^^
habsh lüp du da

Metalhead schrieb am 28.07.2006 um 18:23 Uhr
Mhh.. hallo? ^^

Angel from Hell schrieb am 07.06.2006 um 14:23 Uhr

...komm ma wüda ma on...=/

wüll ma wüda mid dia chattn...

MizZ Yuh...



Angel from Hell schrieb am 17.05.2006 um 15:15 Uhr
hallo?!... =/ ... komm on!

Metalhead schrieb am 11.04.2006 um 20:34 Uhr
Ja...Frage stellen und dann abhaun <:
%) ...

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