Schulhofchat, teuflisch gut!

Userpage You love what you dont see!

CupeCakeCult - CupeCakeCult hat :lol am h�ufigsten im Chat verwendet - Stammtischplatz: 65727
Registriert seit 28.9.2010
(Notizen zu CupeCakeCult) (direkt zum Gästebuch)
Offline seit 24.10.2010 - 15:47
You love what you dont see!
Infos über mich:
Hallo erstmal,ich bin die Sally,bin 17 jahre alt wohne in dem schönen Dänemark genauer gesagt in Aalborg und das bin ich :

bring me the horizon
blood on the dancefloor
black veil brides
attack attack!
the medic droid
all time low
Down Below
Rotz & Wasser

BmtH - Chelsea Smile Lyrics

I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and I've got to keep it, I know something u don't know. OH!
It sits in silence
Eats away at me
It feeds like cancer
This guilt could fill a fucking sea
Pulling teeth, wolves at my door
Now falling and failing is all I know
This disease is getting worse
I counted my blessings, now I'll count this curse
The only thing I realy know... I can't sleep at night
I am buried and breathing in regret YEAAAA!
The only thing I realy know... I can't sleep at night
I am buried and breathing in regret
I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and I've got to keep it, I know something u don't know.
I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and I've got to keep it, I know something u don't know.
I may look happy, but honestly dear
The only way I'll realy smile, is if you cut me ear to ear
I see the vultures, they watch me bleed
They lick their lips, as all the shame spills out of me
Repent Repent! the end is nigh,
Repent Repent! were all going to die
Repent Repent! These secrets will kill us
So get on your knee's and pray for...
Repent Repent! the end is nigh,
Repent Repent! were all going to die
Repent Repent! These secrets will kill us
So get on your knee's
And pray for forgiveness
We all carry these things
Inside that no one else can see
They hold us down like anchors
They drown us out at sea
I look up to the sky
There may be nothing there to see
But if I don't believe in him
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and I've got to keep it, I know something u don't know.
I've got a secret, it's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs, and I've got to keep it,
I know something you will never know
You will never know
I know something you don't know

Bitte keine Ketten-GB's machen die landen bei mir eh in der Tonne!Aber über einen normalen GB würde ich mich freuen <3

Meine Hobbies:

Homepage (

ICQ: n/a
Geschlecht: Keine Angabe
Geburtsdatum: 27.03.1993
Alter: 31
Wohnort: Ich wohn in meiner eigenen kleinen Welt,das is auch gut so,dort kenn man mich!
durchschnittliche Bewertung dieses Profils: 1
am häufigsten benutzter Smiley: (5 mal)
Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 15

Um einen eigenen Eintrag zu machen, mußt Du Dich in den Chat einloggen.
Anzahl aller Einträge: 5

EMOtion.die schrieb am 15.03.2011 um 02:09 Uhr
danke fürn eintrag ins gb.
Echt lieb von dir, bin nur net mehr so oft hier!!


JoJo liebt Twix schrieb am 03.11.2010 um 14:34 Uhr
hübsch hübsch o.o

Jojooo :D

PUNK.ROCK schrieb am 24.10.2010 um 15:46 Uhr
Ich mag deine Seite, deine Bilder und so wies aussieht bist du cool! :D


mimimaus schrieb am 02.10.2010 um 15:35 Uhr
Wenn man vom lügen und schleimen
wachsen würde,
dann könnten hier so einige den
im sitzen am Arsch lecken !!

Happy.Hardcore. schrieb am 28.09.2010 um 21:22 Uhr
Hei hei (:
danke für GB bist auch echt nett :D


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