Live has so much to offer, you just gotta take it!
Infos über mich:
amazing song: Good Charlotte - You're gone :,( one of my favrourite bands
You were young, you were bright, you were beautiful You were everything anyone could want from a child You were not suppose to leave this world that wayYou were not suppose to leave this world that day You would scribble down the lyrics of your favourite song On your notebook in school when your days were long And it meant so much for me to know That you meant so much you'll never know
Chorus: You're gone And we all miss you Listen to these songs You're alive in every one Are you smiling down? Are you still singing? Were you with us all along? Do you like what we've become?
Did I meet you in the crowd at one of our shows? Did I see you in the faces that all come and go? Did I ever take the time, to just say thanks? Was I too caught up in my life, to ask you your name? The truth about this life is that we're all in it together. Thats what you said to me in all your pictures and your letters. Somehow I believe, that you have made me better. In my heart I know, you're gonna live forever
Are you smiling down? Are you still singing? Everyday that passes by. We celebrate your life Can you hear us now? But you we're singing Every song thats in our lives I know we'll never be apart
Meine Hobbies: cheer leading, schwimming, making music, reading, ...
ICQ: n/a
Geschlecht: weiblich
Wohnort: around L. A.
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Besucher auf meiner Userpage: 43
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